The Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs serves as the catalyst for participation, education, collaboration, and development to encourage and support excellence in the arts within the City of Newark. This division oversees the city's arts initiatives, supports community engagement in arts and cultural programming, provides organizational support to existing and evolving art institutions, oversees a world-class public art program, and encourages collaborative partnerships and investment in the city's artists and arts and cultural organizations. It supports the creation of a more sustainable, equitable, inclusive, and creative economy in Newark that enlivens our neighborhoods and ignites the imaginations of our children.

Applications to the Creative Space Accelerator must be submitted by Thursday, August 1, 2024.  Applicants may apply for technical assistance for a specific Creative Space Project that they plan to undertake in the coming years. Selected applicants will be invited to participate in a six-month curriculum of group trainings and one-on-one consultation led by Artspace, a Minneapolis-based organization that provides guidance and support for creative space projects around the country. 

Please contact fayemi shakur, Director of the City of Newark Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs, at with any questions about applying for this opportunity.


Eligibility Requirements

Participation in the Creative Space Accelerator is open to applicants that meet the following eligibility requirements:    

  1. Organizational Status: Applicant organizations must be incorporated non-profits that are currently certified tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c)(3). In some cases, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) or unincorporated artist collectives may be eligible to apply; such organizations should contact the Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs to determine eligibility.
  2. Location: Applicant organizations must be based and primarily operating in Newark, NJ. In some cases, organizations based outside of Newark that are interested in moving or expanding to space in Newark may be eligible to apply; such organizations should contact the Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs to determine eligibility.
  3. Mission: Applicant organizations must have missions that are arts- and culture-focused.
  4. Programming: Applicant organizations must demonstrate a commitment to social impact, public service and public participation, and must provide cultural activities that are accessible to the public. 
  5. Creative Space Project: Applicant organizations should have a specific Creative Space Project that Artspace can focus their technical assistance on. The goal of the project may include:                      

                - Moving to a new space (whether rented, purchased, or donated)                       

                - Improving existing space (e.g., expansion, renovation)                   

                - Expanding to an additional space(s)

                - Other

Application Process 

Any organization interested in participating must submit an application by the deadline of Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 11:59pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.

   Required application materials:  

  • Completed application form 

                - Must be submitted through the online platform Submittable by following the link here.

  •  Documentation of legal status and location. Applicants must submit both of the following:                          

                - New Jersey State certificate of incorporation

                - Federal IRS 501(c)3 determination letter 

                - If the applicant is a Limited Liability Company that has been approved by the Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs, then a New Jersey State LLC Certificate of Organization may be submitted in place of the above documents.

                - If the applicant is an unincorporated artist collective that has been approved by the Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs, then a proof of current address may be submitted in place of the above documents.


Review Process 

Submitted applications will be reviewed by staff of the City of Newark as well as Artspace, the consultant organization providing the technical assistance as part of the Creative Space Accelerator. Applications will be judged on the following criteria:    

  • Organizational Capacity: The organization has a track record of delivering high-quality cultural programming and a leadership team that is willing, able, and excited to participate in the full program and complete independent assignments.
  • Project Vision: The proposed Creative Space Project aligns with the organization's mission, is feasible to undertake, and the organization has a clear vision for the use of the new space and how the project will impact the organizational budget.
  • Community Impact: When completed, the proposed Creative Space Project and the programming the organization operates within it will provide clear benefits to the surrounding community and/or more broadly Newark's residents and visitors.

Notification of Selection 

Organizations will be notified of whether or not they have been selected by September 2024. A total of five (5) organizations will be selected to participate in the six-month technical assistance program led by Artspace Consulting, beginning in October 2024 and concluding in spring 2025.

Program Information

This program is designed for cultural organizations in the planning stages of a space-related project. With a cohort-based approach, arts and culture leaders will learn together as a group to make informed decisions about their future spaces. 

Five organizations will be selected to participate in the six-month program, which will include monthly virtual group coaching sessions and access to individualized technical assistance from Artspace’s real estate consulting team. Technical assistance offerings include project concept refinement, capital/operating budget drafts, bubble diagrams, and document review. Artspace staff will work with participating organizations to determine priority technical assistance topics. At the program's culmination, the cohort will gather in person to tour buildings, network, and celebrate accomplishments. 

Participating organizations must commit that a designated member of their leadership team can participate virtually in monthly group workshops and monthly one-on-one consultation meetings for the duration of the program, as well as in-person for the culminating event.

About Artspace

Artspace is a nonprofit real estate organization dedicated to creating, fostering, and preserving affordable and sustainable housing and workspace for the creative workforce. We develop our properties to support stable, healthy communities rooted in existing assets.  

Artspace Consulting is a division of Artspace that helps organizations plan for the space they need to deliver programs to their communities. We combine real estate tools with an understanding of the creative sector to help create spaces that are sustainable, affordable, and equitable. 

For further details, please visit 

City of Newark, Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs